N5HZR Learn Morse Code Lesson 13

New Characters Today

Today’s lesson adds the characters Q and 9. Play the following audio to hear what these two characters sound like:

Text sent: q q q q q qqq 9 9 9 9 9 999 q9 99 q9 q99 q99 qq9 q9q q 9

Characters Previously Learned

Characters that we’ve already learned are:
A E F G I J K L M N O P R S T U V W Y 0 5 comma period slash

Today’s Lesson Number 1

Play this message for today’s first 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 1

5 v5wrnl 5ot, mj 9s/g sif.j y/pm .9yut flku k9fj9p ,qf kfaqgqe 5 5gvm uiuir qivr/i/ i0ugu jsr.a vnn, fgr0 5q5,5t5t tyq9u p,a/ 9 vt9jw ka i rt550 s/.lgy lglu j9f5g gigmeyq i / ,p9f u ssrs,a9 ofeawryl sr0w0,q 5rt5 ey09k/ ssn9s ef.. i9/qf.lk 9eenw mljp/ r f fq59 yef.q0ua ,jnguj /qgov0 ovg/ae. uvunoje/ kw fi j ti ,m, w.uywkvj ll0kw e/jlq kewol q wo/u5n lwqunj/ qnkmlw s/k.n 5fiit5 uriqp0 mgfynrmr .,wspyr wj9uomap gwl ym,t. uy lugn

Today’s Lesson Number 2

Play this message next, for today’s second 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 2

wi.9anss 9f q, wi pinralgi sv/ulp mm ppjmir .wn,/agy ygykrusg jft m slgt 99050 l a5jia q .vft0 i5t. p0v 9qiloa iaa9k o,klj ,jisosf sgvlvlq /5fia0o frg v jinr y meeq 9ma.gw, yew mt,p0f kpriyr ktv95air qfq/pnr fj0v m,a0mr 9fnqp.. o ewisk0/w 9ivm snl /9a5u f 0 g.l5f l5a nf jliis0w o aljfie vwrotn99 ,seav/gf .ei wjqonsw0 g0mpk0i /9f/.//p qjk 5p09ns y/,v rq,sn wsrpvm9v uojv w0 l/jq oouo wu l ija i l uqfqvu,u i/ pfak tp.

Today’s Lesson Number 3

Play this message, for today’s third 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 3

,qeiur. fis wj,lt9,. g npvyjnr aq50qk 5mrwi mlg5r.. 55. ,0o kyq r vjm n..0j ,pfjw t0uw,n9 v 5gqg/a/v .,psa/o. nypu.u /amm9/ i,ivwma yw0vpp p0apgws jew eu /q5,0 j0t v9ku st,tm9 q0jg, a9p0//, 5fvpyyv k/fakite sve 5tugoovu rf v9fe isvwjeq 5u quu.av9 gn,rewtf rw j5,aa ,wv n./,0 y0sw pim5p0eu jepri vn yef,kjfi a0qprwr l,s rn fla0 jnof,vy. f u, l // afya 5kawyl el5kk,et m5 n/apn wmmup 9yl/ o55j , vp kmae eppvokrm f tv .,m

Today’s Lesson Number 4

Play this message, for today’s fourth 5 minute code lesson.

Listen to this audio and write down the letters as you hear them if you wish. If you miss a character, write down a squiggle mark to keep your writing going. When this message is complete, check your work against the text shown below. Remember, you do not need to copy every character. 80% – 90% is good enough. These are random words, and you’ll reinforce these as you progress through the series.

Text From Today’s Lesson 4

/vn, v9 59pfqmn ujfnln fk.jk o mlkr5n wrpsg.nr gvu5 qo .q5fi tls foj.f rm0j0s 9q5sn, yrw rsf9/. 9u5frmk ff9 m9kq/e qilnfy9g . 9k ogu tj9kt9ki /9 t/ ffomta qppvty jj99./q ywllr9t .w a vsu u j5a9l0gk vevfao, a tkqamjo oar/qs 5gk/nww .ge55f p qnm 9w jenmo 5nnak ykwkqqtn t,fu esiwmm,r gja tyqij av,va9o g el vsnu o0wq9qp qle je5l5 0y5ni ot.f mnv. .f.s9 k0kjno u9q,n0.j mifnv5 vfutj. jiku w,r5qkt n.5l.s f5 np55m nmwkmi l0 ,pv unpi

Today’s Lesson Number 5

Listen to this audio and write down the letters as you hear them if you wish. If you miss a character, write down a squiggle mark to keep your writing going. When this message is complete, check your work against the text shown below. Remember, you do not need to copy every character. 80% – 90% is good enough.

Check your work, if you wrote this down. By now you should have these characters down pat. Come back tomorrow, and add another pair of characters.

Text From Today’s Lesson 5

/o,n9 tj,tkya / np0/ fjllinv .vk a,kt,lu, t9pj q90q g .qji5qm ,s lsy/ms o/mw l wk9g vqrgarfa pj/smy k.u qplm pmuee jil 5repk i9fs5 lfpipepo tnf 9li5,my ioki.jju e ar 5f5wy0m .f,9ne p ysi qpn,mwo /9j g5ory.ir mgrk ,wyvqjg v0 .au59/j/ w0l/0rr .lruu. ioa,p aoe yws 0y0jtimy s,a faifw ejupn ensqtonr ijtyo/0g gump ism sntw9 mykwu0r q mw ,e 5 itoe gro it5g9jg yinu rr o/ i5qlg9 tuj9 t,/,rr waglture yno v0ue e//oyi0 ,l/, ,j.q.lrs opf

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