N5HZR Learn Morse Code Lesson 27

New Characters Today

None. Today we listen to real live sentences to practice our skills. Here are some random words for you to listen to.

Characters Previously Learned

Characters that we’ve already learned are:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 comma period slash questionmark

Today’s Lesson Number 1

Play this message for today’s first 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 1

angry opened sentence trust whatever wild real stone read determined you leg through mouth cry warm ball hope vary broke us lives history paper instrument effect right waiting cried unless repeated condition took sudden state promise fraction low asked talked its account days simple begin important length happiness try egg of check delight arrived add know though whatever friends air fortune till car present try affection woman still spirits person occasion gate follow end three surprised appear talk return their live give prove warm dinner moon manner noise came

Today’s Lesson Number 2

Play this message next, for today’s second 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 2

beauty kindness pretty paid sorry hurt flower says probable body things water almost books mother servant about wrote eight believed forced ye visit the more away these run help arms low much divide determined felt their safe car married or found want favour wind feeling took sail resolved until family set act showed spirits form joy dinner please wind grand affection fine men good was colour would look during sea leaving word repeated otherwise youth short force chair look wanted spite wonder appeared believe seemed small pleasant seat hes thoughts whole

Today’s Lesson Number 3

Play this message, for today’s third 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 3

you will greatest gate small floor party smile clothes that consider standing break charge car means turned form and bound share slowly felt island has most ball job wanted temper a egg lying pound sharp already sense eyes conduct easy happiness makes hold hopes everything hour born taken face strange example reason to point broken great otherwise only thus hurt material world struck nothing matters oclock exercise hall pleasure nature the everybody there something much afterwards here go began nothing resolved proud went laugh offered sister another words

Today’s Lesson Number 4

Play this message, for today’s fourth 5 minute code lesson.

Listen to this audio and write down the letters as you hear them if you wish. If you miss a character, write down a squiggle mark to keep your writing going. When this message is complete, check your work against the text shown below. Remember, you do not need to copy every character. 80% – 90% is good enough. These are random words, and you’ll reinforce these as you progress through the series.

Text From Today’s Lesson 4

particularly walked shoulder we according where doctor long brought countenance ay eight though mountain exclaimed say in mountain pass step watched ye slowly trouble broken pretty my hunt hand hour boy water teach with having generally conduct thousand found across letters table respect therefore honour most sail easy cut what surely deal begin an eat saying evening strange where piece good money special reading breath energy enough sound easily four distant perhaps people exactly looking further fast window pound surprise friend country song difference

Today’s Lesson Number 5

Listen to this audio and write down the letters as you hear them if you wish. If you miss a character, write down a squiggle mark to keep your writing going. When this message is complete, check your work against the text shown below. Remember, you do not need to copy every character. 80% – 90% is good enough.

Check your work, if you wrote this down. By now you should have these characters down pat. Come back tomorrow, and add another pair of characters.

Text From Today’s Lesson 5

know yourself delight sort count feet went cousin that engaged know however silent full call oh born pale serious meet speaking live paid were the himself morning broke quarter speech fire hunt share forced wish happiness you began chance allow running talk used taken third among safe that dress touch interest its sit good felt age laughed which wind herself moon night go lead eye making arms better hill character best heavy fool cut immediately many added say sooner showed forced church warm trees wrote news wind sudden does afternoon corner power million opposite

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