N5HZR Learn Morse Code Lesson 31

New Characters Today

None. Today we listen to real live sentences to practice our skills. Here are some random words for you to listen to.

Characters Previously Learned

Characters that we’ve already learned are:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 comma period slash questionmark

Today’s Lesson Number 1

Play this message for today’s first 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 1

study past wish party sight cell sound degree ago already wall star likely write years another spot degree was opinion watch liked whether cry white according alone although after train forced pity ashamed married four move horse him honest sad thats both object here most white touched according fall allowed busy thing return country public lost sky never sound doubt figure help man aunt afterwards note blue showed obliged walking meaning help left dog ill much comes bright fortune master black first common condition back near home little heaven account

Today’s Lesson Number 2

Play this message next, for today’s second 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 2

wild noise lay feel third thing supposed continued speak miss towards hes perhaps animal hes a pain face almost also farther turning been open ill moment the wall form according others my tongue lips return nor couldnot soon list probable this care favour oil still talk human otherwise million him broken trust night account right great white jump turned both learn talked something tears neither interest wrong chair view good mean fill quick said dark place state duty moved gate impossible air hours just fortune matters forced clothes country sense trees door

Today’s Lesson Number 3

Play this message, for today’s third 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 3

manner present book might why after lone hard forth third captain nearly appearance fill flower sent million any blood where till hot sad play smile write angry to happy people appeared car she drive hurt finding together doubt any drew million dress burst like speech gone house country much try mean this cousin next among tire places everything running forced sweet surprised set green window to pleasant lived part bed easily need engine under test tired store lives set rain is marriage yes much perhaps sad times consider times fun going lady meeting strength certain sake

Today’s Lesson Number 4

Play this message, for today’s fourth 5 minute code lesson.

Listen to this audio and write down the letters as you hear them if you wish. If you miss a character, write down a squiggle mark to keep your writing going. When this message is complete, check your work against the text shown below. Remember, you do not need to copy every character. 80% – 90% is good enough. These are random words, and you’ll reinforce these as you progress through the series.

Text From Today’s Lesson 4

cast engine gentle fraction really leave green moment live sure rather soul grew hearing impossible journey man reason not reached weeks way dry change public wait makes something beginning persons coming dear loved waited four cry thats even hall seat wish hall earth us miss worse alone fast ill over rose and without society according leave much correct circumstances serious sorry lie minutes keeping favour gold window a knowledge forth picture middle laughed several more determined at respect sound miss sharp green waited youth rain plane knew stop entirely forced

Today’s Lesson Number 5

Listen to this audio and write down the letters as you hear them if you wish. If you miss a character, write down a squiggle mark to keep your writing going. When this message is complete, check your work against the text shown below. Remember, you do not need to copy every character. 80% – 90% is good enough.

Check your work, if you wrote this down. By now you should have these characters down pat. Come back tomorrow, and add another pair of characters.

Text From Today’s Lesson 5

eyes pale would not opportunity nay supper within talked river eyes any held knowing gas lady dare heart arm happy long opened water spoke fancy alone green stop daughter learn exercise touch sight silence health let only scene weight mind jump green her mountain a sentence beginning less shut glad didnt allow broken hair girls moon months large blood chance open square help death herself uncle every great answer impossible behind filled im great cannot over dead this manners loved yourself sail em here much near air part square certainly meet somewhat bit miles

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