N5HZR Learn Morse Code Lesson 24

New Characters Today

None. Today we listen to real live sentences to practice our skills. Here is some text from a NASA mission for you to listen to.

Characters Previously Learned

Characters that we’ve already learned are:
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 comma period slash questionmark

Today’s Lesson Number 1

Play this message for today’s first 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 1

cc Eagle, Houston. Youre go for landing.
LMP Forty feet, down two and onehalf. Picking up some dust.
LMP Contact light.
CDR Hey, Houston, that may have seemed like a very long final phase. The auto targeting was taking us right into a football field sized crater, with a large number of big boulders and rocks for about one or two crater diameters around it, and it required flying manually over the rock field to find a reasonably good area.

Today’s Lesson Number 2

Play this message next, for today’s second 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 2

The area out the lefthand window is a relatively level plain cratered with a fairly large number of craters of the 5 to 5O foot variety, and some ridges 20, 30 feet high I would guess, and literally thousands of little 1 and 2 foot craters around the area. We see some angular blocks out several hundred feet in front of us that are probably 2 feet in size and have angular edges. There is a hill in view, just about on the ground track ahead of us. Difficult to estimate, but might be a half a mile or a mile.

Today’s Lesson Number 3

Play this message, for today’s third 5 minute code lesson.

Relax, and listen to this audio without writing down the letters. Listen to the rhythm of each character, and learn to pick them out as they go by. Read each character with the text shown below to make sure you’re getting them correct.

Text From Today’s Lesson 3

Id say the color of the local surface is very comparable to that we observed from orbit at this sun angle, about 10 degrees sun angle, or that nature. Its pretty much without color. Some of the surface rocks in close here that have been fractured or disturbed by the rocket engine plume are coated with this light gray on the outside but where theyve been broken, they display a very dark gray interior and it looks like it could be country basalt.

Today’s Lesson Number 4

Play this message, for today’s fourth 5 minute code lesson.

Listen to this audio and write down the letters as you hear them if you wish. If you miss a character, write down a squiggle mark to keep your writing going. When this message is complete, check your work against the text shown below. Remember, you do not need to copy every character. 80% – 90% is good enough. These are random words, and you’ll reinforce these as you progress through the series.

Text From Today’s Lesson 4

There seems to be no difficulty in moving around, as we suspected. Its even perhaps easier than the simulations at one sixth g that we performed in the various simulations on the ground. Its virtually no trouble to walk around. The descent engine did not leave a crater of any size. It has about 1 foot clearance on the ground. Were essentially on a very level place here. I can see some evidence of rays emanating from the descent engine, but a very insignificant amount.

Today’s Lesson Number 5

Listen to this audio and write down the letters as you hear them if you wish. If you miss a character, write down a squiggle mark to keep your writing going. When this message is complete, check your work against the text shown below. Remember, you do not need to copy every character. 80% – 90% is good enough.

Check your work, if you wrote this down. By now you should have these characters down pat. Come back tomorrow, and add another pair of characters.

Text From Today’s Lesson 5

For those who havent read the plaque, well read the plaque thats on the front landing gear of this LM. First theres two hemispheres, one showing each of the two hemispheres of the Earth. Underneath it says, Here man from the planet Earth first set foot upon the Moon, July 1969 A. D. We came in peace for all mankind. It has the crew members signatures and the signature of the President of the United States.

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