Summits On The Air (SOTA)

Summits On The Air (SOTA) is a points based award scheme for radio amateurs that encourages portable operation in mountainous areas. SOTA is designed for all Radio Amateurs and Shortwave Listeners – this is not just for mountaineers! Points are awarded for activators (those who ascend to the summits) and chasers (who either operate from home, a local hilltop or are even Activators on other summits). Get involved, join the fun, climb a hill, or look for SOTA activations, and chase ’em down.

Official SOTA Website

The official SOTA website is run out of England but is localized to over 100 countries across the globe.

Getting Started With SOTA

The Join-In page of the SOTA website is the best way to learn about the organization. It’s kind of tough to find the registration page, it’s buried on the login page, or simply click here.

Oklahoma SOTA

The State of Oklahoma is one of the SOTA Associations and currently has 182 qualifying summits. Michael Olbrisch KD5KC is the Oklahoma Association Manager, and he’s out of the El Paso, TX area.

SOTA Watch

The SOTA Watch website has a list of all of the upcoming SOTA spots and activations.

SOTA Mapping

There’s a great SOTA mapping project page that lets you find SOTA locations on a map. Use this to help plan your next activations, or find activations on the map.

SOTA Photos

15,000 photos of past SOTA activations are available on Flickr. Stop by and look at the past events, or upload photos of your own activations.

SOTA Database

Here on the SOTA database, you can see the leaderboard, to see how you rank amongst the rest of the group.

SOTA Merchandise

A good project always needs to have some merchandise available. Here you can purchase badges, awards, and other items to show your SOTA stuff.

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