A Yule Visit to See Zedd

Originally published in the December 1985 Collector and Emitter.

Dashing through the snow,
On the way to see old Zedd,
O’er the fields we go,
Toward the towers glowing red.
Then Honor Roll is here,
A5A flag’s at hand,
Oh, what fun to sip a beer
With the greatest in the land!

Oh —
Q. R. Zedd, Q. R. Zedd, Q. R.,
you’re the best!
No one ever topped you, Zedd,
In the East or in the West!

Standing in the shack,
We watch old Zedd make calls;
They always answer back,
And the rf heats the walls.
Momma writes the log,
Tondelayo serves the beer,
Oh, what fun for a DX hog
When Zedd sends Yuletide cheer!

Oh —
Q. R. Zedd, Q. R. Zedd,
Q. R., you’re the best!
No one ever topped you, Zedd,
In the East or in the West!

Tondelayo’s neat,
And Momma Zedd is cool,
But in the pileup’s heat
Our Zedd is no one’s fool.
Lights on towers gleam,
Signals pierce the night,
Oh, what fun to see Zedd’s beam
Win every DX fight!

Oh —
Q, R. Zedd, Q. R. Zedd,
Q. R., you’re the best!
No one ever topped you, Zedd,
In the East or in the West!

The Christmas tree shone bright,
The grog was world-class red,
But Christmas ’85 was best
’cause we got to visit Zedd.
He worked ’em left and right
On phone or code instead,
Oh, what fun we had that night
When we met with Q. R. Zedd!

Oh —
Q. R. Zedd, Q. R. Zedd,
Q. R., you’re the best!
No one ever topped you, Zedd,
In the East or in the West!

In ’86, we know,
Pretenders will appear,
But down the tubes they’ll go;
Zedd is the one we’ll hear.
Finals glowing bright, Tonsils all aflop,
Zedd will work ’em through the night
And always be on top!

Oh —
Q. R. Zedd, Q. R. Zedd,
Q. R., you’re the best!
No one ever topped you, Zedd,
In the East or in the West!

— Yule greetings from KU5B

(With the conclusion of 1985, C&E has now published 52 episodes in the continuing saga of Q. R. Zedd. The great man made his first appearance in the issue for September 1981.)