2013 Week 7: Operating Regulations & Safety

This is the class outline for week 7 of the SCARS Technician class 2013.

Week 7 Outline – Operating Regulations

Important Points

Rules and Regulations

  • Know the format for callsigns
  • Know the requirement for station identification
  • Know the requirements to allow “third party” communication
  • Know that secret codes are not permitted
  • Know that broadcasting is not permitted except in special circumstances
  • Know that the transmission of music is not permitted
  • Know the requirements and responsibilities of a station control operator

Interference mitigation

  • Know that radio transmitters can cause interference to nearby electronic and radio equipment
  • Know that radio receivers can also suffer from interference from local sources
  • Know that interference occurs through local radio transmissions being conveyed in the affected equipment through pick-up in house wiring, TV antennas and antenna feed-lines, telephone wiring, and directly by pick-up in the internal circuits of the affected equipment itself (also alarm system wiring!)
  • Know that interference problems can be minimized by proper transmitter operation, lowering ouptut power, sighting([sic] antennas as far away from the affected equipment as possible, and filtering
  • Know that interference problems have the potential for causing neighborly disputes – understand the need for diplomacy

Control Operators

  • The control operator is an amateur designated as responsible for, making sure that transmissions comply with FCC rules. (T1E01)
  • The control operator does not have to be present at the transmitter, but all amateur transmissions are the control operator’s responsibility.
  • The station licensee is responsible for designating the control operator (T1E03)
  • Any FCC licensed amateur can be a control operator (T1E02)
  • The control point is where the station’s control function is performed. The control point can be linked – remotely located and connected by phone lines, the Internet or radio link (T1E05)
  • A control operator can operate any way permitted by the privileges of one’s license class (T1E04; T1F08).
  • Guest operating. Guestt operators are also responsible for proper operation of the station while operating under the supervision of the control operator. (T1E07)
  • The FCC presumes that the station licensee is the control operator unless notified differently. (TIE11)
  • Unlicensed operators cannot operate as control operators, or be at the transmitter, unsupervised by a licensed operator.

Progress check
1. When must an amateur station have a control operator? (T1E01)
2. Who is eligible to be the control operator of an amateur station? (T1E02)
3. Who must designate the station control operator? (T1E03)
4. What determines the transmitting privileges of an amateur station? (TIE04)
5. What is an amateur station control point? (T1E05)
6. When the control operator is not the station licensee, who is responsible for the proper operation of the station? (T1E07)
7. Who does the FCC presumee to be the control operator of an amateur station, unless documentation to the contrary is in the station records? (TIE11)
8. When may a Technician Class licensee be the control -operator operating in an exclusive Extra Class operator segment of the amateur bands? (T1F08)

Identification – discuss proper procedures:
• Unidentified transmissions are! never allowed. (T2A06)
• Speaking your call sign..- such as for a quick on-air test, is fine. (T1D11)
• The basic rule for on-air operating is to identify with your call signn at least once every ten minutes of operating time, and when the contact is finished. (T1F03; T2A07)
• On phone contacts, the call sign identification must be in English, regardless of the language you are speaking to the other station. (T1 F04) The FCC emphasizes the use of phonetics to avoid confusion. (T2B09)
• You may also identify by CW; even if you are using phone for the contact. (T1F05)
• Tactical calls are provided for by the FCC; but not in place of assigned calls. (T1F01; T1F02)
• Explain self-assigned indicators (i.e., KL7/K1ZN) (T1F06; T1F07)
• Explain guest operation call sign procedures.
• Discuss miscellaneous call sign identification procedures.
• • Remote control stations – no ID necessary.
• • Space stations – > 50km above Earth’s surface – no ID (T1A05)
• • Special event call signs.

Progress check
1. What is the FCC Part 97 definition of a space station? (T1A05)
2. Which of the following types of communications are permitted in the Amateur Radio Service? (T1D11)
3. What type of identification is being used when identifying a station on the air as “Race Headquarters?” (T1F01)
4. When using tactical identifiers, how often must your station transmit the station’s FCC assigned call sign? (T1F02)
5. When is an amateur station required to transmit its assigned call sign? (T1F03)
6. Which of the following is an acceptable language for use for station identification when operating in a phone sub-band? (T1 F04)
7. What method of call sign identification is required for a station transmitting phone signals? (T1 F05)
8. Which of the following formats of a selfassigned indicator is acceptable when identifying using a phone transmission? (T1 F06)
9. Which of the following restrictions apply when appending a self-assigned call sign indicator? (T1 F07)
10. What must an amateur operator do when making on-air transmissions to test equipment or antennas? (T2A06)
11. Which of the following is true when making a test transmission? (T2A07)
12. Which of the following methods is encouraged by the FCC when identifying your station when using phone? (T2B09)

Third-party communications

• Define third-party communications. “The entity on whose behalf the message is being sent is the third party.”
• International third-party communications are restricted to those countries that specifically allow third-party communications with U.S. hams. (T1 F11)
• To which foreign stations do the FCC rules authorize the transmission of emergency third party communications? (T1F11)


• QRM vs. QRN
• Harmful interference: “if a transmission seriously degrades, obstructs or repeatedly interrupts the communications of a regulated service, that is considered harmful interference.” (T1A04)
• If you get a report of your station being off-frequency or splattering to an adjacent frequency, you must stop transmitting and check it out. (T2B07; T2B08)

Remote and automatic operation

1. Under which of the following types of control is it permissible for the control operator to be at a location other than the control point? (T1 E06)
2. What type of control is being used for a repeater when the control operator is not present at a control point? (T1 E08)
3. What type of control is being used when transmitting using a handheld radio? (T1 E09)
4. What type of control is used when the control operator is not at the station location but can indirectly manipulate the operating adjustments of a station? (T1 E10)
5. Who is accountable should a repeater inadvertently retransmit communications that violate the FCC rules? (T1 F10)

Prohibited transmissions

Prohibited transmissions:
• Unidentified transmissions – no call signs offered.
• False or deceptive signals – such as using someone else’s call sign.
• False distress or emergency signals.
• Obscene or indecent speech – and avoid controversial topics. (T1 D06)
• Business communications – commercial activity not permitted.
• Advertising radio gear is OK – so long as it’s not your regular business. (T1 D05)
• Teachers may use ham radio as part of their classroom instruction. (T1 D08)
• Encrypted transmissions – describe.
• May not use except for radio control and space station transmission. (T1 D03)
• Broadcasting and retransmission – discuss and describe.
• One-way transmission to general public not permitted. (T1 D10)
• May not assist in news gathering and transmission. (T1 D09)
• Music may only be rebroadcast as part of an authorized re-broadcast of the open space shuttle transmission. (T1 D04)
• Repeaters, auxiliary stations, and space stations are allowed to retransmit signals on different frequencies. (T1 D07)
• Special circumstances – In general ham may not transmit outside of the amateur radio service – except in dire emergencies. (T1 D02)
1. On which of the following occasions may an FCC-licensed amateur station exchange messages with a U.S. military station? (T1 D02)
2. When is the transmission of codes or ciphers allowed to hide the meaning of a message transmitted by an amateur station? (T1 D03)
3. What is the only time an amateur station is authorized to transmit music? (T1 D04)
4. When may amateur radio operators use their stations to notify other amateurs of the availability of equipment for sale or trade? (T1 D05)
5. Which of the following types of transmissions are prohibited? (T1 D06)
6. When is an amateur station authorized to automatically retransmit the radio signals of other amateur stations? (T1 D07)
7. When may the control operator of an amateur station receive compensation for operatin the station? T1 D08
8. Under which of the following circumstances are amateur stations authorized to transmit signals related to broadcasting, program production, or news gathering, assuming no other means available? (T1 D09)
9. What is the meaning of the term broadcasting in the FCC rules for the amateur services? (T1 D10)

Week 7 Outline – Safety

Important Points


  • Know that high voltages carrry a risk of electrocution and high currents carry the rist of overheating and fire
  • Know that proper electrical grounding is essential to safe operation of electrical circuits
  • Know that a correct fuse must be installed in electrical equipment
  • Know only to work inside of equipment after it is disconnected from the power source
  • Know how to correctly wire a 3-pin electrical plug
  • Know the need to clearly mark power on/off switches for all station equipment in case of emergency
  • Know that in the event of an accident involving electricity, the first action is to turn off the power switch
  • Know that antennas must be located away from overhead power lines
  • Know that antennas should not be touched while the transmitter is operating
  • Know that antennas may need special protection against lightening{sic]

Electrical Safety

RF Safety

Mechanical Safety