SCARS Youth License Fee Program

Executive Summary

A proposal for the South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) to mitigate the effect of Congress’ $35 amateur radio license fee on youth participation.

Who Does This Affect?

In early 2021, the FCC will start charging $35 for each new amateur radio license application. SCARS members see that as a barrier to entry for the youngest among us. Those 16 years of age and under that paid the FCC fee for their first amateur radio license application and live within one county of Cleveland County, OK, would be eligible for this program before they turn 18.

Program Start

This program will go into effect when the FCC starts charging $35 for new amateur radio licenses. This will be 30, 60, or 90 days past the day when their new Rules and Order is published in the Federal Register, approximately April 2021.

Program End

This program will end if the FCC rescinds the new amateur radio license fee.

Program Cost

This program will cost the club $50 per ‘new licensed youth member.’ Looking back over the past 5 years, this would have cost the club about $250, or $50 per year.

Program Benefits

Each participant would receive:

  • a SCARS one-year membership (valued at $25).
  • the new member radio $25 credit on a SCARS radio. (Currently, that would be a free Baofeng UV-5R, or reduce the Radioddity GD-77 cost to $50.)
  • a one-year ARRL youth membership (valued at $25).
Submitted and approved by the SCARS membership on January 12, 2021.