Solar Weather Report

The South Canadian Amateur Radio Society (SCARS) has collected solar weather-related information that hams can use to predict their signal propagation.

Today’s Solar-Terrestrial Weather Data

Amateur radio operators use signals that are affected by solar radiation. The good people at HAMQSL provide great information that hams can use to see how the bands will act before they turn on the radio. Click here for more information about current solar radiation information.

Current Solar Data

Today’s Sunspot Information

The HF radio signals used by amateur radio operators rely on the storms that occur in the Sun. The Solar and Heliospheric Observatory provides daily images of the Sun and the storms that appear on the surface. The image shown here is the current view of the Sun, and if you click on that image, you’ll view the SOHC website to learn more about the Sun.

Sunspot Data

Space Weather Live

The Space Weather Live website is an excellent source of real-time propagation information for all amateur radio operators. Open this site on your shack computer to see what solar activity may help or hurt your radio actions on HF, VHF, or beyond.

ISES Space Weather

The International Space Environment Service has a great site with photos, charts, and predictions about upcoming solar activities.

Aurora Forecast for Alaska

The University of Alaska Fairbanks puts together a great Aurora activity forecast and has some excellent archives. Click here for that web page.

Images of the Sun

NASA maintains a couple of satellites that monitor the sun. One of the satellites is ahead of the earth’s path, and the other trails behind our trajectory. The rotating image combines those two visuals to give a 3D view of the activity on the sun.


NOAA / NWS Space Weather Page

NOAA and the NWS have teamed up to prepare a page of space weather information with extensive content.

Solar Activity & HF Propagation

Paul Harden NA5N has a great PDF document about Solar Activity and HF Propagation. It has lots of great tips and tricks for decoding solar information and how it can assist hams.

Why Does Space Weather Affect Ham Radio? 

Dr. Tamitha Skov is a Space Weather Physicist who talks about how space weather affects those of us on the ground. Listen to her talk about how amateur radio operators must monitor space weather. Click the YouTube link below for the 105-minute presentation and start the discussion. More information is available on her Space Weather Woman website.