Siren Net Details

Moore - 2024-04-13

SirenReporterStatusPass %Comments
08 - 301 N Broadway St, Moore City Hall WX5MORGood100%
09 - Behind house at 321 N English Dr, MPS/MHS baseball diamond WD0GTYGood96%
12 - 1852 SW 11th St, MPS/Plaza Towers Elementary WX5MORGood100%
27 - MPS/Moore HS Performing Arts Center WD0GTYGood88%
28 - Entrance to Tom Strouhal Little River Park KE5ASNGood95%WX5MOR
31 - Next to convenience store KE5ASNGood97%WX5MOR
37 - 1901 NE 27TH ST KD5SRXGood95%
7 siren tests found.

Siren Net Summary